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Pertaining to the State Park of Itaúnas (PEI), in the city of Conceição of the Bar (YOU ARE), its name comes of the small dark water stream candy and that leaves the way them dunes for the sea. By the way, one of the attractive greaters of the region is exactly the beauty of dunes. The furniture possesss 30 meters of 5 more than height and more than extension km. In 1986, they had been overthrown as Historic site and Cultural of the State and hide the old village of Itaúnas, soterrada between years 50 and 70. Today they remain only some constructions that appear of time in when between the sand.

Amazonian the Hidrográfica Basin is the greater of the world, with almost 4 million km ² of extension in Brazilian lands. Only in the Brazilian portion, it encloses 10 of the biggest rivers of the world, between which the lendário River Amazon, with 7.025 kilometers of extension since the Spring, in the Mountain range of Andes (Peru), until its estuary in the Atlantic Ocean. The sufficient to recognize it as more long than the Nile. Considering the navigable stretches for small boats e its main tributaries, the Amazonian basin presents a net of 25.000 km of fluvial ways.

Cambará of the South if locates north-eastern of the Rio Grande Do Sul, in the region of the Fields from above of the Mountain range, being 186km of Porto Alegre and 148km of Caxias of the South. Situated the 980 meters above sea level, Cambará is one of the cities highest of the state. The registered temperature highest was 32ºC and lowest -8ºC. The frost occurrence is common in the winter of the city and, eventually, it snows forming a landscape of rare beauty.

Atlantic Mata originally could be compared as the second bigger tropical forest of Brazil alone losing for forest Amazônia. The original extension of the forest was of approximately 1.300.000m ², today counts on only 52.000m ². Atlantic Mata receives this name for being to the side of the Atlantic Ocean, it if it extends for all the coast of Brazil since the Rio Grande of the North until Rio Grande Do Sul.

Located in the city of Martins Sundays - serrana region of the Espirito Santo, Blue Rock possesss tropical climate with altitude of 1.822m and 500 meters of granite pointing the sky. The Blue Rock gained this name because of liquens in the rock therefore, depending on the time of the year, them gains blue a coloration esverdeada. Since the creation of the State Park of the Blue Rock, the scalings had been forbidden e, today, it is only allowed to walk in the base of the rock and to have access the 9 natural swimming pools. The State Park of the Blue Rock was created to protect a set of natural values where if it detaches the Rock of the Lizard, granite formation and gnaisse joined to the Blue Rock.
Lagos Algarve Portugal is one of the most spectacular places on Earth. It is not very well known but it is exquisitely beautiful. The townspeople are gracious and kind while the landscape is pristine. The waters are between crystal blue and turquoise with sandy white beaches. If you are looking for a place to go on vacation, you have found the right spot. There is a ton to do in this quaint town. The most anticipated activity is going out to one of the various beaches for water activities and fun in the sun.
The river San Francisco, also called Opará, as it is known by the aboriginals, or popularly Old Chico, is a Brazilian river. It is born in Is Roque of Mines, in the Mountain range of the Hamper, in the state of Minas Gerais, approximately the 1200 meters of altitude, crosses the state of the Bahia, making its verge to the north with Pernambuco, as well as constituting the natural verge of the states of Sergipe and Alagoas, and, finally, he approximately drains in the Atlantic Ocean, draining a 641,000 area of 2,830 km ² and reaching extension km de extensão.